
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Online Educational Resources for Mastering PCB Design
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Monday Apr 20, 2020
Ben Jordan drops in to share details on Altium’s central hub for online education resources: hands-on video, feature documentation, and tips and tricks for navigating and mastering Altium’s software. Ben is a Computer Systems and PCB Engineer with more than 20 years of embedded systems, FPGA and PCB design. See why we’re now calling him “the Dean of Altium Academy”. Here’s another podcast you can’t afford to miss!
Try Altium Designer 20 + Altium 365 Today
Show Highlights:
- Altium’s free webinar series: Why Altium is doubling down on webinars, where to find them, and how to use them to your advantage.
- Zig Ziglar and the secret of success.
- The Altium Academy YouTube channel: hands-on video, feature documentation, and tips and tricks for navigating Altium’s software.
- On providing an easy-to-find central information resource hub on the Altium domain—where your questions about all Altium products can be answered in detail.
- How the complexity of CAD software speaks to the nature of engineering work
- Ben offers users some insider info—a reason Altium users should check out Altium Academy’s YouTube Channel right now.
- Who is in charge of the public health? Ben offers an eye-opening perspective on the role of engineers in society.
- Ben discusses new challenges being faced during the Covid-19 epidemic.
- Judy revisits how Dugan Karnazes was able to coordinate a worldwide engineering team’s spin-up of an early Open Source Ventilator design within 24-hours.
- Ben describes his visit to General Atomics’ tokamak.
- The importance of staying connected: Ben and Judy offer closing statements and advice for all of us as we weather the Covid-19 crisis.
Links and Resources:
Ben Jordan on Linkedin
Altium Academy Virtual Sessions
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