
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Eli Hughes on Becoming a Full Stack Hardware Engineer
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Robotics, undersea vehicles, space science, and Professor Of Electrical Engineering... Eli Hughes has led an interesting career. Now an acoustics guru and co-founder of Tzero, he joins OnTrack to discuss guitar pedals, the secret of overcoming imposter syndrome, and his company’s surprising approach to beer fermentation monitoring.
Eli will be speaking during AltiumLive 2020’s three-day event on ‘the Road to Becoming a Full Stack Hardware Engineer’, and gives us a preview of other topics he’s got in store.
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Show Highlights:
Show Highlights:
Introduction to Eli Hughes, CEO of Tzero.
Tzero’s innovative solution to fermentation monitoring.
Eli’s AltiumLive topic and ‘the Road to Becoming a Full Stack Hardware Engineer'.
Dismantling imposter syndrome.
From guitar pedals to a graduate degree in Acoustics.
Check your ego at the door and stay curious: Sage advice to engineers.
A preview of the topics Eli will cover at AltiumLive 2020.
Links and Resources:
- AltiumLive2020: Register Here For Free
- Eli Hughes on LinkedIn
- Tzero on LinkedIn
- Visit Tzero website here
- Checkout Eli Hughes latest DIY PCB design project: The “Mini Monkey” Board – Using the LPC55S69 in the VFBGA98 Package
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